
Lauren Girl!

Ok, ok, two posts in one day?? normally i wouldn't do this, but this is an exception!!!!

its LAUREN PORCHER'S BIRTHDAY! woot woot! :)
all week long, i thought that it was on wednesday! but i was JUST informed that it is today!! Lauren is one of my faaavorite girlies! i know her from church, the Jr. High group of girls i work with, & because she is best friends with one of my best friends little sisters!
Lauren is an amaaaaaazing photographer , an incredibly kind girl loved by many, has a HUGE heart for others, & her love for Christ is an inspiration! She is prettttttty darn amazing :) I became friends with her about a year & a half ago at my friend Melissa's birthday. Lauren, Melissa's sister Heather ( who happens to be Laurens best friend) and I bonded over our secret plans to get them into the jacuzzi witht he "older girls" ;) ever since then, i have gotten to know this wonderful person, & have loved to be with her! we are also SUPER scarily similiar! Like, in every.single.way. From the shows we watch, the blogs we read, the songs we listen to, the movies we love, the food we order, and the clothes we drool over-we are twins! the only major difference between us is that she is soooo little :) Here are some pictures of the ever so fabulous LAUREN. i love you girlie! have a FANTASTIC day!!!! :))



Lauren said...

aww kenzie!! you made me happy dance!! :) thanks for those encouraging words!! Love YOU so much twin!!

Unknown said...

love both you beautiful ladies!

p.s. really liking the new blog header, kk!